Deep Learning Course
NLP Intro for Text - Sentiment Analysis with Deep Learning
Coding Focused Project Based Theory Based Hands-On
Pytorch TensorFlow Jupyter Discord
Level: Intermediate
Instructor: Mandy
$79.99 $99.99 20% Off - Limited Offer

What's Included:
What you'll learn ...
Get introduced to the vast field of Natural Language Processing
Learn where text classification & sentiment analysis fall in the field of NLP
Understand how neural networks can be used for NLP tasks
Learn N-gram model architecture and how it processes text data
Learn Sequence model architecture and how it processes text data
Understand tokenization and how its applied to text
Understand vectorization and how its applied to text
Understand how standardization and normalization techniques are applied to text
Gain an understanding for TF-IDF text vectorization
Learn about word embeddings and how they work to encode text
Understand how to use a MLP as an N-gram model for text classification
Understand how to use a CNN as an Sequence model for text classification
Gain an understanding for how 1D convolutions process text data
Develop complete sentiment analysis projects in code with both PyTorch and TensorFlow
Learn how to programmatically organize a text dataset for neural network training
Gain experience of implementing text classification neural networks in code
Understand how to preprocess text data in code
Learn how to train and evaluate text classification networks in code
Section 1 - Intro to Text Classification Models
Lesson #1

NLP Intro for Text - Sentiment Analysis with Deep Learning - Course Overview
Lesson #2

Introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Lesson #3

Text Classification & Sentiment Analysis with Neural Networks Introduction
Lesson #4

N-Gram Bag of Words vs. Sequence Models for Text Classification
Section 2 - N-gram Models
Lesson #5

N-Gram Bag of Words Model for Text Classification - Tokenization & Vectorization
Lesson #6

Neural Network Architecture for Text Classification - N-Gram Bag-of-Words MLP Model
Section 3 - Sequence Models
Lesson #7

Sequence Model for Text Classification - Tokenization & Vectorization
Lesson #8

Word Embeddings for Neural Networks
Lesson #9

Neural Network Architecture for Text Classification - Sequence Model CNN
Lesson #10

How Convolutional Neural Networks Process Text Data
Section 1 - TensorFlow N-gram Model Code Implementation
Lesson #11

Sentiment Analysis Project Intro - Prerequisites and Dataset
Lesson #12

Organize & Explore Dataset for N-gram Model - TensorFlow Sentiment Analysis Project
Lesson #13

Text Preprocessing for N-gram Model - TensorFlow Sentiment Analysis Project
Lesson #14

Build and Train N-gram Model - TensorFlow Sentiment Analysis Project
Section 2 - TensorFlow Sequence Model Code Implementation
Lesson #15

Organize & Explore Dataset For Sequence Model - TensorFlow Sentiment Analysis Project
Lesson #16

Text Preprocessing for Sequence Model - TensorFlow Sentiment Analysis Project
Lesson #17

Build and Train Sequence Model - TensorFlow Sentiment Analysis Project
Section 3 - PyTorch N-gram Model Code Implementation
Lesson #18

Organize & Explore Dataset for N-gram Model - PyTorch Sentiment Analysis Project
Lesson #19

Text Preprocessing for N-gram Model - PyTorch Sentiment Analysis Project
Lesson #20

Build N-gram Model - PyTorch Sentiment Analysis Project
Lesson #21

Train & Evaluate N-gram Model - PyTorch Sentiment Analysis Project
Section 4 - PyTorch Sequence Model Code Implementation
Lesson #22

Organize & Explore Dataset For Sequence Model - PyTorch Sentiment Analysis Project
Lesson #23

Text Preprocessing for Sequence Model - PyTorch Sentiment Analysis Project
Lesson #24

Build Sequence Model - PyTorch Sentiment Analysis Project
Lesson #25

Train & Evaluate Sequence Model - PyTorch Sentiment Analysis Project
Lesson #26